For example,Бобцов

Concentration dependence of electric conductivity and pH for aqueous solutions of water-soluble light fullerene - C60[=C(COOH)2]3 tris-malonate


Studies of the concentration dependence of electric conductivity and pH for aqueous solutions of the light fullerene – C60[=C(COOH)2]3 tris-malonate were performed at 25 ◦C. From both data (from the equivalent electric conductivity and pH), the apparent degree of dissociation and concentration dissociation constants of C60[=C(COOH)2]3 in aqueous solutions were calculated. Thermodynamic dissociation constants of C60[=C(COOH)2]3 in aqueous solutions, calculated for infinitely dilute solutions by the both methods, were reasonably similar. 


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